Documentary Open School

Green Media fellowship

Docskool’s Green Media fellowship is a 10-month specialised training and work site experience driven program for young climate defenders who are keen to explore visual media as part of their environmental campaigns. It is held in two equal stages of skill development and field-based practice conducted in coordination with several local partners.

The fellowship trains 10 young defenders providing advanced skills in visual media practice (film, Photography) with further topics including participatory community media, environment conservation and orientations on variety of social issues.

The program is for young people aged 18 + . It is open to all. The program has dedicated spots for indigenous, adivasi and dalit participants. We want the program to cater most to people who may not have easy access to practical media education, and might also be first recipients of unprecedented climate shifts witnessed in Nepal. Upon completion participants are expected to become key human resource towards green media documentation, knowledge management and allies of locally run campaigns. The program runs with a focus on indigenous knowledge management and support to ongoing climate initiatives.

This is a free fellowship for selected candidates. 2025 sessions are expected to start from mid 2025. Application is Currently Open.

Program Structure
– 5 month (foundation learning on film, photography)
– 4 month (field based learning with mentorship)
– 1 month (specialisation workshops, projects)

Thematic Priorities

  • Participatory film, photography
  • Community owned and operated media
  • Climate knowledge exchange
  • Media as Environment conservation action
  • Documentation of indigenous knowledge and practices
  • Network expansion for Green media practitioners

Identified sites of environmental importance for fellowship projects

-Ghodaghodi Wetland area, Bird Sanctuary (Kailali)

-Karnali Dolphin conservation corridor  (Kailali, Bardiya)

-Tharu communities in western Nepal.

-Sulaphanta National Park and surrounding biodiversity areas (Kanchanpur)

-Bufferzones of Bardiya and Chitwan National Park  

-Kanchenjunga Conservation Area sites (Sankhuwasabha)

-Koshi Tappu bird sanctuary (Sunsari)

-Koshi River basin (Sunsari, Saptari, Morang)

-Community forest groups in Kavre, Sindupalchowk, Kailali, Dang

For further information please write to us or follow the application details herewith.

नेपालीमा जानकारि

डकस्कुल क्लाईमेट फेलोसिपका बारेमा

‘डकस्कुल क्लाईमेट फेलोसिप’ समुदायमा फिल्म, फोटोग्राफि, विधुतिय सञ्चार प्रयोग गर्न आवस्यक शिप दिने उद्धेस्य सहित आयोजना गरिने १० महिने आवासिय तालिम हो। तालिमको पहिलो संस्करण २०२५ बाट सुरु हुदैछ। यस तालिममा भाग लिन न्युनतम १० कक्षा पास गरेको र १८ वर्ष पुगेको हुनुपर्छ। छनौटमा परेकहरुका लागि यो फेलोसिप (तालिम) निशुल्क प्रदान गरिनेछ।

फेलोसिपमा छनौट हुन तिन चरणको आवेदन प्रकृया पार गर्नुपर्नेछ।
प्रथम चरण: अनलाईन बाट आवेदन भर्ने
दोस्रो चरण: फोन अन्तरवार्ता
तेस्रो चरण: काठमाण्डौंमा अन्तरवार्ता तथा लिखित परिक्षा

फेलोसिपको विवरण:
५ महिना: फिल्म, फोटोग्राफी, सामुदायिक सञ्चार सम्बन्धी आधारभुत सिकाई
४ महिना: कार्यक्षेत्र विशेस सिकाई
१ महिना: विषयमुखी कार्यशाला, परियोजना निर्माण

फेलोसेपको आवेदन खुला छ।

आवेदनका लागि आवस्यक सामाग्रि :

आवेदनका लागि निम्म सामाग्रि एकमुष्ट गरि ईमेलमा पठाए पुग्छ – आवेदनको छुट्टै फारम छैन।
– यस अघि उतिर्ण गरेका सबै शैक्षिक स्तरको ट्रान्सक्रिप्ट
– कम्तिमा १ जना रेफरेन्स व्यक्तिको नाम र ईमेल ठेगाना सहितको बायोडाटा
–  फेलोसिप मार्फत प्राप्त गर्न खोजिएको शिप र आवेदकका शिपको आवश्यकता खुल्ने गरि लेखिएको ७०० शब्दको प्रतिवेदन पत्र
– प्रकृति सम्बन्धित समसामयिक विषयमा निर्माण गरेको ३ मेनिटको नयाँ भिडियो
– प्रकृति सम्बन्धित समसामयिक विषयमा खिचिएका ८ – १० वटा तस्विर

आवेदन पठाउने ठेगाना: documentaryopenschool(at)gmail(dot)com
सम्पर्क नंबर: 9804095620, 015351709

Those looking to apply should be 18 years of age and have completed high school level education. Knowledge of film, photography is not required to apply.

Application is Open

There is no application form. Compile all documents and email to documentaryopenschool(at)gmail(dot)com

– Application letter addressed to Climate fellowship at Docskool
– 700 word motivation letter on how the fellowship will be useful in the applicants context in Nepali or English
– 3 minute video film on any environment related topic made specifically for this application
– 8-10 recently taken photographs on any environment related topic
– Updated copy of CV with at least one reference person with contact detail
– Copy of all transcripts for level completed.

Admission procedure includes:
– Online application
– Phone interview
– Written test and Physical interview in Kathmandu

The climate fellowship is a full time residential training to be held from Dhulikhel and Udayapur. Participants must work with partner organisations as part of field-based learning.


The fellowship is led by several professional media workers who bring years of experience as facilitators to the training. 


Trainers include (संलग्न प्रशिक्षकहरु) 

Kshitiz Adhiraj (Documentary Filmmaker, Founder Docskool)

Sashul Shrestha (Editor/ Animator)

Abhimanyu Dixit (Filmmaker, Lecturer at KU)

Amit Shrestha (Sound Engineer)

Shail Shrestha (Environmentalist, Media consultant)

Aneeta Gautam (Climate Scientist)



सम्पर्क व्यक्ति: रन्जु दनुवार – डकस्कुल बोर्ड सदस्य, फेलोसिप स्रोत व्यक्ति

(मोबाईल: 9804095620)


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